
Raviraj Pophale

I am

About Me


I'm Raviraj Pophale and I am

Hi! My name is Raviraj Pophale. I am a Computer Science Grad Student from Pune University. I write code for a living. I am composed of 68% water and 2% whey like any other gymgoer. I absolutely adore the smell of a good source code documentation. I am into Android Development so deep that everytime I see something wrong, I think, "I wish I could raise a ticket for that". Along with coding, I also have a deep interest in cinema and reading. And I am always up for a great conversation.


that I have collected over the span of years
  • Android

    Android is my favorite smartphone OS. Till now I have developed and published several apps on the play store

  • new-tab

    Front End

    Front End is where I get to use my creative end. Weapons of choice are VueJS and React

  • layers

    Back End

    PHP was my primary choice during my bachelors but then Node.js stole the crown with its many features

  • share


    MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB help me secure my data. CAP Theorem has made sure that I don't keep favorites

  • adobe-illustrator

    Machine Learning

    Got my hands dirty with Image Classification, Text Clustering, Object Detection, etc using good ol' python

  • seo-performance-marketing-graphic


    Almost killed my Raspberry Pi and my Arduino over a 100 times trying to create different things

Languages I know:
JavaScript Java C Swift C++ Python C# PHP TypeScript
Web Technologies I use:
NodeJS Express React Vue Angular Bulma Bootstrap jQuery HTML/CSS Mocha Chai
I manage my Data with:
PostgreSQL Oracle MySQL MongoDB Redis Redux Vuex JSON
My favorite set of Tools:
Jira Android Studio Git Photoshop Visual Studio Code POSTMAN Putty Whey React Native NativeScript BCAA Multivitamine
  • 0

    Years of experience
  • 0

    Apps published
  • 0+

    Lines of Code
  • 0+

    Protein Shakes

My Projects

Few of my strongest contenders
  • Developed a Easy Note app using plain Android SDK, The game is published on the play store

    Easy Note is a simple and awesome notepad app. It gives you a quick and simple notepad editing experience when you write notes, memos, e-mails, messages, shopping lists and to-do lists. Taking notes with ColorNote® Notepad is easier than any other notepad or memo pad app.

  • Play Tic Tac Toe on your Android phone. No need waste paper to play puzzle games! Now you can play Tic Tac Toe on your Android device for free.

    Play Tic Tac Toe on your Android phone. No need waste paper to play puzzle games! Now you can play Tic Tac Toe on your Android device for free. Our new modern version appears in a cool glow design.

  • Developed an Android personalization app and tools app. For eg. Wallpapers apps, MCQ's app,Android Tools apps. Develop creative smartphone apps and provide cloude service.

    Developed an Android personalization app and tools app. For eg. Wallpapers apps, MCQ's app,Android Tools apps.

  • It quickly and easily turns on the flashlight next to the rear camera.

    Flashlight is one of the most popular flashlight apps. Flashlight also has a metric ton of features. Flashlight uses either your screen or the LED flash on the back of the device. Flashlight can strobe in various patterns and also in various colors (on screen only). There is also features custom effects, emergency effects, and more. Flashlight basically does everything.

  • PHP-Proxy is a web-based proxy script designed to be fast, easy to customize, and be able to provide support for complex sites such as YouTube and Facebook.

    PHP-Proxy is a web-based proxy script designed to be fast, easy to customize, and be able to provide support for complex sites such as YouTube and Facebook. There have been many other proxy software scripts in the past,such as Glype, PHProxy, CGIProxy, Surrogafier, ASProxy, Zelune... but all have either perished permanently or the creator has stopped updating them. This proxy script is intended to replace all others.

  • Created a simple calculator which can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division depending upon the user input.

    User choose the desired operation. Options 1, 2, 3 and 4 are valid.Two numbers are taken and an if…elif…else branching is used to execute a particular section. Using functions add(), subtract(), multiply() and divide() evaluate respective operations.

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